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<  Entrevistas  ~  Entrevista com Kolby Jukes da Raven Software

Colocada: Sáb Fev 05, 2005 8:00 pm Responder com Citação
Site Admin Registo: 27 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 1108 Local/Origem: Lisboa/Porto - Portugal
5 de Fevereiro de 2005 : A Dimensao3 faz a sua primeira entrevista. Aqui está a versão original, em breve colocarei uma traduzida em portugues. Espero que gostem.

Kolby Jukes

D3: Hi there Kolby, first of all I would like to thank you in the name of all 3D portuguese community and say that is a pleasure being able to do this interview. First of all could you please give us some information on who you are, how old are you and what do you do for a living ?

Kolby: My name is Kolby Jukes, I'm a recent graduate of Vancouver Film School, I currently reside in Madison, WI, employed at Raven Software as a high poly/low poly modeler

D3: Some people think that age is very important to be good in almost every industry, but you're quite young right?

Kolby: I'm 21, age doesn't seem to be too much of a factor, or at least I've never experience any 'age-discrimination' myself.
Experience however, is very important, and it is rather difficult to accumulate a lot of industry experience while you're still young, so I guess indirectly, age is important

D3: That's great, because here in Portugal we see much and much more young people starting to do 3D Can you tell me how did it began, this interest of yours on CG ? We're you really young, and started to develop interest by watching movies ? Or was it when you we're at VFS?

Kolby: I was always interested in CG, and even more so in movies, sci-fi especially. When I was in High School I drew a lot and started learning 3d on my own, a friend of mine introduced me to Lightwave (then v.5), so I spent a couple years learning that, as well as Adobe After Effects and Photoshop. I didn't get too far studying on my own, only the really basic concepts, when I was about 18 I decided I wanted to pursue a career in Film production, I went to university for two years, and created a couple short films before deciding that film production wasn't really a viable career for me. I then enrolled in VFS, where I studied for a year.

D3: Can I ask you why didn't you find film production wasn't a viable career for you? Any special reason? Because, everyone can see you have the talent.

Kolby: It just seems that the Film industry is a very hard industry to break into, meaning, it's hard to find a lucrative job. I wanted to have a job where my hard work and input meant something, where I could contribute to the final product; and at the time i felt it would be far to difficult to do that in the film industry. I would have had to spend many years training and working just to work my way up to say the position of camera operator, where as in the game industry, my work is making a direct impact on the final product

D3: I see, I have here some questions some of our users in the forum posted, that I will now ask you.

Kolby: Ok

D3: Ultra asks you if you do concept sketches on paper first.

Kolby: On rare occasions I'll do a quick character sketch to try and work out what design elements i want to include in the character, these are very basic, generally I do very basic, gestural sketches on paper, then go and do a more refined, colored drawing on my wacom tablet. However, a lot of the time I just make it up as I go, I find it to be a lot more fun

D3: Ultra has another question but I guess it can be a general question : What software do you use, and why ?

Kolby: I use Softimage XSI for all my poly modeling, Zbrush for fine detailing, PS for textures. There are a number of reasons I use XSI, for one, I trained with it at VFS, and so am very comfortable with the software, second, I honestly believe it has the best sub-d's of any modeling application - not to mention some very innovating modeling tools.

D3: Now for our next user... [HP]. We all know you work at Raven Software, so he would like to know how is your average day there

Kolby: Well, generally I come in around 9:30, start on a high poly model, perhaps a prop, finish early in the afternoon, then immediately build the low poly and rip and render it. That's how most days go, every day is different.

D3: He also would like to know we're did you gather your inspiration and also another user asks a similar question, DTS wants to now who are your mentors/heros in the world of CG?

Kolby: I gather inspiration from a lot of places, big FX movies, toys, comics - most notably from artists like Mike Mignola, Eric Powell, Frank Miller, and Alex Ross. As for heros of CG, I'm most influenced by the works of Neversong, Levitateme, Dominic Qwek, Martin Krol, Shaun Absher, gjptech, these people aren't so much mentors, as they are peers in the modeling community, whose work influences and inspires me.

D3: s00n, other user, wants to know if you like car modelling?

Kolby: I have never modeled a car, in fact I don't care for hard surface modeling too much, I've modeled a number of guns and mechanical objects before, but I don't find that kinda stuff to satisfying. Organic Character work is by far my favourite.

D3: That comes near the question of DTS, he wants to ask you what part of the human anatomy do you find the most difficult to model?

Kolby: Arms, arms always get me, there's so much going on especially in the forearm.

D3: Kolby, thanks for answering all these questions from Dimensao3 and it's users.
Would you like to leave some advice for novice modellers and portuguese fans?

Kolby: No problem, glad to. Practice hard, and try to have fun.

D3: Thanks once again Kolby and a very happy modelling!

Links relacionados:

Link oficial:

Antigo site do Kolby Jukes:

E alguns dos seus trabalhos mais recentes:

Editado pela última vez por Kameleon em Seg Fev 07, 2005 7:59 pm, num total de 3 vezes
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Colocada: Sáb Fev 05, 2005 8:24 pm Responder com Citação
Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 24 Local/Origem: Portugal - Estoril
ye... xelente trabalho!
bem... agora é seguir o conselho do kolby! isto motiva um gajo! Smile
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Colocada: Sáb Fev 05, 2005 8:45 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 31 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 1402 Local/Origem: inbicta
A entrevista ta mto boa!

"Kolby says:
Practice hard, and try to have fun"

No pain, No gain right? Razz

kem corre por gosto num cança! lol
EU axo k ter este tipo de trabalho é kase como um hobbie pago! Wink


Helder "hP" Pinto

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Colocada: Sáb Fev 05, 2005 9:15 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 606 Local/Origem: Lisboa
Nada mau.
Quem é o próximo?

Bom trabalho Kame.
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Colocada: Dom Fev 06, 2005 1:43 am Responder com Citação
Primeiros passos Registo: 29 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 59 Local/Origem: Porto
está 5 estrelas!
boas perguntas!
kurti a do ultra! Very Happy

siga outra!!

Estado de espirito comum: ataracxia
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Colocada: Seg Fev 07, 2005 1:26 pm Responder com Citação
Primeiros passos Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 123
A entrevista superou as minhas expectativas, Boas perguntas e boas respostas do kolby Jukes, directas e explicitas. Tas de Parabens Kameleon assim como a Dimensao3.com. Temos que fazer esta cena crescer mais e mais e mais...


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Colocada: Seg Fev 07, 2005 2:30 pm Responder com Citação
Site Admin Registo: 27 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 1108 Local/Origem: Lisboa/Porto - Portugal
Estamos todos de parabens, nao se pode esquecer que voces tambem contribuiram com perguntas ke de facto ajudaram muito. Espero ke kada vez mais participem para ke assim possamos fazer mais entrevistas.... em breve anunciarei a proxima Wink
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Colocada: Seg Fev 07, 2005 5:05 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 606 Local/Origem: Lisboa
Vou já escrever umas quantas para a proxima. Very Happy
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