So, the topic says it all. I'm trying to implement a mouth that can be blendshaped, in a cube. Imagine that you have a box, with a mouth so that it can talk.
My problem is that, I don't know how to make this happen. I have seen some tutorials in how to make the mouth and that's not the problem. I've made one from a nurb sphere but I can't attach it to the cube wether it be nurbs or polygon. Another thing, most of the tutorials I found to make a mouth come from a human model but in those the mouth looks pretty simple to do because the whole geometry of the head helps in that purpose.
But now with a simple cube I don't know how to start to get this to happen.
Anyone has a tip for me? Maybe tell me wich geometry (polygon or nurb) to use and then the tools I can use to make it happen?
At first I thought it was possible to simply open a gap on the cube where I wanted the mouth and, after that arrange it a bit and then make the blendshapes but I really can't get there or maybe I simply don't know which tool to use.
I've already tried, as I said a bit ago, to make a nurb sphere and then model it to a simple mouth. The problem is that I can't attach the nurb sphere or even part of it to the cube and make it look like it's part of the cube geometry.
This is a school work and I'm getting a bit stressed with this. Maybe it's pretty simple but I'm not seeing it

. Really haven't worked enough in 3D to be familiar with all the techniques.
Ok, I prefer to show you guys the purpose of this all. The cube I talk is a television which will have expression. It won't properly talk. More just make some sounds and expressions. It will also have a simple rig to move according to the expression.
I'm using Maya 2010 by the way.
Thank you for reading.
Hoping to get some help here!