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<  Geral  ~  Open Color IO

Colocada: Qui Jul 29, 2010 3:03 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 24 Mar 2005 Mensagens: 558 Local/Origem: London/Porto
Mais um desenvolvimento open source da SPI:



"Colorspace — the numerical description of color used in computer graphics production and display — is one of the trickiest and most challenging aspects of digital motion-picture production.
This is particularly true of visual effects and animation, where images typically flow through multiple software applications, and even production houses, each often leveraging unique color processes.
In the absence of conventions for sharing color transformation processes, virtually every production team must re-invent a color workflow, for every application – which tends to be really hard to get right.
OpenColorIO addresses this critical issue.
OpenColorIO (OCIO) enables color transforms and image display to be handled in a consistent manner across multiple graphics applications. Unlike existing color management solutions, OCIO is geared towards motion-picture post-production, with an emphasis on visual effects and animation color pipelines. OpenColorIO has been used at Sony Pictures Imageworks since 2003 to address the challenges of working with multiple commercial image-processing applications that have different approaches to color management. By providing a unified color environment, OpenColorIO greatly simplifies the task of creating and validating multiple-application color workflows."

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