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<  Galeria 2D  ~  Pixelinked Project

Colocada: Sex Jan 15, 2010 1:22 pm Responder com Citação
Registo: 15 Jan 2010 Mensagens: 1

Encontrei este site que penso que pode ser útil para inspiração Wink

Pixelinked Project - http://pixelinked.com
Pixelinked is a beautiful and flexible digital gallery, used to linked only the best pixel images on the web, in one place. The idea is to give you the started point for your inspiration, and be your digital bookmark. You can find here images of great illustrators and digital painting renown gurus. Each day, will be added one or more startling images.

Share your images and be recognized
You can also have the opportunity do submit your best images (only the excellent ones will be approved). That means all you need to do is upload at least a large image for each post and you’re ready to go. Please use the ‘Submit Images’ link, provide in menu area, or use this direct link (http://pixelinked.com/submit).

Publicity and donations
Very soon, there will be available two ad zones, below the header and above the footer, to support this project and pay the bills. If you want to support this site using publicity, please contact me at twitter : http://twitter.com/Pixelinked. If you want to donate, please don’t be shy, I will be grateful.

Updates and support
Very soon it will also be available, interviews, digital videos and tutorials to help you get started in this wonderful world.
keep in touch by checking our twitter account (http://twitter.com/Pixelinked) or subscribe to Pixelinked feed (http://pixelinked.com/feed).

Divulguem !! ;D
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