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henriquevlopes |
Colocada: Seg Abr 18, 2005 3:07 pm |
Novo membro
Registo: 10 Abr 2005
Mensagens: 26
Boas pessoal...
Tenho um pequeno problema com a renderização da minha espada.
Quando vou para fazer render aparece a seguinte mensagem de erro -> "The following objects require map coordinates any may not render corrrectly"
Não sei como apareceu isto..
Pois acho que isso é a causa de os materiais que aplico na lamina da espada nem se ker aparecerem nos renders ..
Se alguem me puder ajudar Agradecia ...
Ficainde bem... 3D 4ever |
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MiguelS |
Colocada: Seg Abr 18, 2005 3:15 pm |
Registo: 28 Jan 2005
Mensagens: 606
Local/Origem: Lisboa
It is likely that, when rendering, you now get a message saying:
The following objects require map coordinates and may not render correctly:...
This message is followed by a list of objects that you have assigned materials that contain texture maps. A texture map is an image (for instance an image of brickwork) that is part of the material and that is to be mapped onto the object. These images make the material much more realistic, but it requires that you tell Maxhow the image should be mapped onto the object. This mapping is done using the Modify panel.
Select the object that requires mapping. On the Modify panel you find a button titled UVW Map. Click this button and a number of parameters appear. The easiest way to map a material on an object is by selecting the Box method. Try this method of mapping and render the scene again: most likely the material will now display as expected.
You may try to change the other parameters, for instance the various Tile parameters, to change the size of the map on the object. This may be necessary to change, for example, the size of the bricks in the mapped image.
Google powa!
Boa sorte |
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henriquevlopes |
Colocada: Seg Abr 18, 2005 6:26 pm |
Novo membro
Registo: 10 Abr 2005
Mensagens: 26
Obrigado .. era msm isso . ja precebi pk é k dava akele erro ..
tem haver com o material aplicado ...
bem agora ja resolvi isso so falta conseguir meter o material no sitio onde eu keria .. o k está uma beca pro dificil ..
ficainde bem |
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