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Colocada: Sex Mar 25, 2005 7:51 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 606 Local/Origem: Lisboa
Acabei de rever o filme e só tenho uma coisa a dizer: FABULOSO. Há muito que não via uma animação a este nivel.
O filme está a venda desde ontem, vou aqui deixar os detalhes desta perola.

Disco 1: - O Filme - Comentários aúdio do realizador, produtor e animadores - Trailer de Cars (a próxima produção pixar).
Disco 2: - Curta Metragem: Zezé Ataca - Cenas Cortadas, incluindo uma sequência de abertura alternativa, com opção de comentários audio. - Apanhados - Ultra Secreto - Making of - Por detrás das Câmaras - Entrevistas com as personagens - Curta Metragem: Saltitão - Trailes
Legendas: Português e Linguas Audio :Português (Dolby Digital 5.1), Inglês (Dolby Digital 5.1), Inglês THX

Easter Eggs:
1. On DISC ONE, go to the "Commentaries" menu and wait until a silhouette of Mr. Incredible appears bottom right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a short animation where Mr. Incredible is dancing. (0:36)
2. On DISC TWO, in the "Main Menu", wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a selection of buttons and doors from the movie. (2:30)
3. On DISC TWO, go to the "Deleted Scenes" menu and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a deleted storyboarded scene. (1:22)
4. On DISC TWO, go to the "Behind the Scenes" menu and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a featurette with two legendary Disney animators Ollie Johnston & Frank Thomas. (1:22)
5. On DISC TWO, after you have watched previous easter-egg, stay on the "Behind the Scenes" menu and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears again to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a Markisms-featurette where Mark Andrews demonstrates his sound effects to other crew members. (1:11)
6. On DISC TWO, go to the "More Making of The Incredibles" menu. Wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a short of scene in two variants. (0:18 )
7. On DISC TWO, after you have watched previous easter-egg, stay on the "More Making of The Incredibles" menu. Wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears again to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a short of another scene in seven variants. (0:41)
8. On DISC TWO, go to the "Publicity" menu and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a short animated scene where Mr. Incredible and Dash fight for the remote control. (0:12)
9. On DISC TWO, after you have watched previous easter-egg, stay on the "Publicity" menu and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears again to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a short animated scene where Mr. Incredible and Frozone fight for the remote control. (0:12)
10. On DISC TWO, go to the "Set Up" menu page 1, and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see an handpuppet version of 'The Incredibles' made by Mach Kobayashi. (3:36)
11. On DISC TWO, go to the "Index" menu page 1, and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears again to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see how sounds are made in the cake eating scene by Dave Mullins. (0:43)
12. On DISC TWO, go to the "Index" menu page 2, and wait until a Omnidroid-icon appears to the upper right corner. Navigate to it and hit ENTER. You will see a practical joke. (0:14)

Um grande obrigado aos génios.
Thank you PIXAR


Detalhes de edição - www.fnac.pt
Easter eggs - www.dvdcompare.net

Estou neste momento a confirmar os eater eggs, se houver algo de diferente entre as edições aviso-vos.

Unico que não deu - Easter egg #10 ( 2º dvd não tem setup / icon não aparece no setup do dvd 1)
Se conseguirem avisem. Laughing
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Colocada: Sáb Mar 26, 2005 12:36 am Responder com Citação
Já faz sozinho Registo: 25 Mar 2005 Mensagens: 420 Local/Origem: San Francisco
obrigado pela parte q me toca, apesar d nao ter trabalhado nesse filme. foi giro, q dps dos oscars, o brad bird veio ate aqui com o oscar itself, juntamo-nos todos no atrium a beber champagne e a celebrar.

a pixar oferece um dvd a cada employee e outros 8 dvds por $5 cada, entao tou cheio de dvds em casa.

(: a.

.: a
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Colocada: Sáb Mar 26, 2005 10:55 am Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 606 Local/Origem: Lisboa
Trabalha-se no que se gosta.
O chefe aparece no local de trabalho e vão todos beber champanhe.
Oferecem dvds e fazem um desconto brutal nos restantes.

Where do I sign? Very Happy
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