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< Noticias ~ 2007 World Seafood Congress Scientific Poster Competition |
AngelStudio |
Colocada: Qui Jan 18, 2007 7:12 pm |
Já faz sozinho
Registo: 08 Abr 2005
Mensagens: 409
Local/Origem: Porto
The World Seafood Congress Scientific Poster Competition is an event that will be run on 26 September next as part of the three-day 2007 World Seafood Congress in Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, Ireland. The Competition is open to post-graduates registered at a third-level education institute. Students must be studying in a field related to the four Congress themes of sustainability, product trade, food safety, seafood and health. The top 20 posters that meet the entry criteria will be accepted and displayed at the Congress. The winners will receive a travel bursary of €2,000 for first prize, with awards of €1,500 and €1,000 for second and third prizes.
Deadline: March 31, 2007
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