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<  Sites  ~  HackerSkills the game

Colocada: Seg Out 16, 2006 11:25 pm Responder com Citação
Escravo do rato Registo: 27 Abr 2006 Mensagens: 347
ora aqui esta um joguito intereçante Smile


HackerSkills.com is your own online hacker simulation. With over 100 levels that require different skills to get to another step of the game, this new real-life simulation will help you advance your security knowledge and also improve your JavaScript, PHP, HTML and graphic thinking in a fun way. Have a spare minute? Log on! Each level will provide you with a new, harder clue to find a way to get to another level. Only few people have gotten to the end of the maze. How good are your Hacker Skills?

edit: tou encravado no lvl.3 Sad

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