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<  Noticias  ~  Quanto Project

Colocada: Seg Mar 13, 2006 4:23 pm Responder com Citação
Já faz sozinho Registo: 08 Abr 2005 Mensagens: 409 Local/Origem: Porto
deadline: June 1, 2006


It's a graphic international competition attempting to explore the meaning of the word "prostitution" both from a moral and a sexual standpoint. Such graphics will interpret the above subject utilizing visual means, thus allowing for new starting points of reflection. It is the intention of the competition's organizers to allow the participants ample freedom to interpret and tell graphically what is the "Prostitution World". It was decided to give to such event an international character for the purpose of obtaining the vastest possible group of competing people expressing their feelings about such social problem so entrenched and so widely spread. The competition will end with an exhibition of the selected works whose riproductions will be sold at a "not for profit" auction sale. The competition is open to graphic people of all the world without limits of age and origin. The participating works may have already been presented at other competitions, but must have been awarded a price. Each Participant can enter one or more works. The dimensions of each work must be 50x70 or 70x50 cm. Accepted formats: Illustrator, Freehand, JPG(150/300 dpi), Indesign. No money prices are foreseen. The exhibition will take place in the month of September at Centro Culturale Zitelle in Venice, Italy.



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