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< Noticias ~ Festival Internacional de Animação ITFS |
AngelStudio |
Colocada: Ter Nov 08, 2005 10:53 am |
Já faz sozinho
Registo: 08 Abr 2005
Mensagens: 409
Local/Origem: Porto
The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) is the largest event for animated film in Germany. The main aim of the festival is to support and promote high-class artistic animated film. Up - and - coming filmmakers and small and middle-sized production companies have the opportunity to present themselves. Furthermore, the ITFS is a communication forum and meeting place for filmmakers, distributors, producers, film students and other professionals from all over the world. Any animated film including computer generated animation and combinations of life action and animation completed after December 31, 2003 may participate. Not admissible are industrial, advertising and training films.
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