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Colocada: Dom Abr 04, 2010 12:13 am Responder com Citação
Já faz sozinho Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 385
Sim, tem aí as sessões da última semana (e eu que tive uma trabalheira a gravá-las com um programa de captura! Razz )

E aqui fica o velho... com um post novo:


Já agora... Acho óptimo que a carta aberta original ao James Cameron tenha originado tanta descussão na comunidade e que agora se estejam a dar alguns passos enquanto as coisas ainda estão quentes... mas sinceramente... a carta aberta direccionada ao James Cameron foi assim como se... como se se estivesse a ladrar à ávore errada!

É que quase todas as "queixinhas" que foram feitas "ai que se trabalha tanto, ai tanta hora, ai tanto sofrimento, ai tanta escravidão, ai que pedem tanto de nós" é precisamente o tipo de coisa que o James Cameron FAZ todos os dias, com todos à sua volta! É um obcecado pelo trabalho e pela perfeição, e chupa as pessoas até não poder mais, até as quebrar, até as fazer dar o litro... Segundo ele, só assim conceguem superar-se, e assim conseguem fazer coisas que nem sequer suspeitavam que conseguiam fazer...

Saiu um artigo interessante sobre alguns dos casos mais emblemáticos do relacionamento dele com actores (que são os que dão mais nas vistas.. mas sabendo que ele se porta assim com actores, imaginem o que não fará "ao gajo que mexe o rato")

O artigo saiu antes de se ter a certeza que o Avatar seria um sucesso e está em


Aqui fica um excerto:
You can't work for Cameron without devoting your whole life to the project. Fourteen-hour days are mandatory. Twenty-hour days are common. Cameron does not need to sleep for more than four hours a night.

On watery film sets such as The Abyss and Titanic, cast and crew would often be in chilly water for ten hours a day causing colds, flu and even kidney infections.

On the set of True Lies, his 1994 film with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, he told everyone that using the lavatory was a sackable offence and he meant it.

On the set of The Abyss, where many of the crew found their hair bleached albino white because they were in chlorinated water for so many hours, actress Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio reportedly ran from the set crying 'We are not animals', when he suggested the cast relieve themselves in their wetsuits to save time.

His temper is legendary and he is known as the scariest man in Hollywood. Even his friends recognise his dark side - an alter ego they have nicknamed MIJ (Jim backwards).

Kate Winslet, whose role in Titanic made her a huge star, says she would never work with the director again after her 'ordeal' in which she nearly drowned, came down with flu and chipped a small bone in her elbow.
'He's a nice guy, but the problem was that his vision for the film was as clear as it was. He has a temper like you wouldn't believe. There were times I was genuinely frightened of him.'

BUT there are no apologies from Cameron; indeed, he seems to revel in his reputation. 'I think what is misunderstood about my particular film-making process is that I get people to go that extra mile that they've never done before and they go into new territory,' he says.

'They go beyond what they previously thought were their limits, and then afterwards they talk about it like it was a big adventure: "Oh, man, we worked around the clock and you know, we all almost died."
'The more I can lead other people into these situations where they all think they're going to die, the more fun I'm having. We have a few people that don't like my version of day camp, but I would say that 80 or 90per cent of them feel like they've been through something. They've done the best that they've done in their professional careers.'

In fairness, there are some who do love it. Sigourney Weaver, who worked with him on Aliens, is back for Avatar. While Avatar actress Michelle Rodriguez says: 'That guy is so amazing. He thinks in 12 dimensions at all times. He can sit there and talk for hours about the advancements in molecular science, about mythology and story building, character building. This guy is a genius.'

Still, Sam Worthington, who plays hero Jake Sully in the new film, admits Cameron pushed them all to the limit to get the scenes he was looking for, including physically hitting him. 'He'd throw foam or debris to get me to react, because the action was being created later on the computer. And Jim would go: "Hmm, this ain't working, right, so I'll just hit you with a stick." '
AJ Benza, an actor and television host, tells me: 'James's tactics on set made Sigourney Weaver cry, made Linda Hamilton cry, Kate Winslet cry and Jessica Alba cry. What kind of a person does that? There's got to be some deep-rooted stuff going on in his brain.'


E retirado de outro lado:
"Ed Harris punched him in the face on the set of the Abyss. Apparently, he came as close as humanly possible to drowning without suffering brain damage, and instead of providing aid, Cameron just had the cameras keep rolling despite the fact that he was coughing up edema."

Enfim, como disse um colega num comentário algures, "...you would have more luck getting Lucifer to install air conditioning in hell than get Cameron to raise awareness about VFX artists."

Fernando Martins
/- /|/| 3D Animation and Special Effects
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Colocada: Seg Abr 05, 2010 2:47 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 24 Mar 2005 Mensagens: 558 Local/Origem: London/Porto
O nome do James Cameron foi invocado para gerar publicidade ( o Lee Stranahan ja admitiu isso num dos posts que publicou ). E funcionou.

Entretanto, novos posts doutros blogs a proposito do tema:








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Colocada: Qua Abr 07, 2010 11:42 am Responder com Citação
Escravo do rato Registo: 10 Mar 2007 Mensagens: 296 Local/Origem: Lisboa
interesting read:


paulo silva - http://www.engelik.net
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Colocada: Qua Abr 07, 2010 2:12 pm Responder com Citação
Veterano Registo: 04 Out 2005 Mensagens: 743
Gostei dos artigos obrigado Engelik .

A dias li uma entrevista ao Sam Mendes em que ele dizia como agora era muito difícil arranjar financiamento para filmes de media dimensão, na ordem dos 50 milhões (Revolutionary road) e como o mercado se espava a polarizar pra produções baratas ( Hollywood standards) de 5 ou 6 milhoes e as caras de mais de 100 .

Se passarmos isso pro mercado do 3d, é exactamente o mesmo, o tronco do mercado esta a diluir-se completamente, já não há espaço pra empresas que vão fazendo uns 3ds como à 10 anos, esse trabalho é dos freelancers agora. Uma estrutura grande nesta área já só se justifica se for realmente competir no topo.

Pode não ser simpático mas é a verdade.

One of many at www.puraimagem.pt
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Colocada: Qua Abr 07, 2010 5:01 pm Responder com Citação

Editado pela última vez por Malanjo em Dom Jun 30, 2013 11:29 am, num total de 1 vez
Colocada: Ter Mai 25, 2010 4:03 am Responder com Citação
Já faz sozinho Registo: 28 Jan 2005 Mensagens: 385
Desculpem lá estar a ressuscitar isto, mas li um artigo interessante que se adapta que nem uma luva ao que se passou/está-a-passar!


Fernando Martins
/- /|/| 3D Animation and Special Effects
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